Bigler Sports Rules and Policies

Team Registration

  • All Teams must be Bigler/GMB sanctioned to be eligible to participate in our tournaments
  • GMB Sanctioning Fees Are Non Refundable
  • All teams must submit their team roster online prior to weekend tournament play
  • All tournaments will follow the Major League Baseball Rulebook (except as noted)
  • We reserve the right, if needed to mix ages/divisions to form brackets – tournaments are 4 teams

Tournament Check-in

  • Please check-in 45 minutes prior to your first game – your team should be ready to play 30 minutes prior to scheduled game time
  • A Bigler representative will be at each ball park to facilitate team check-in
  • Official brackets and game times are posted on our website 

Bigler Must Have a Copy of the Following Items Before Play Starts

  1. Online copy of your tournament roster with parent liability approvals
  2. Rosters / Waivers can be loaded at
  3. Secondary Team Insurance Certificate
  4. Birth Certificates for each player if challenged by opposing team – (Bigler only collects these if a player is challenged by official protest)

Bigler Tournament Refund Policy

  • Once an entry fee is paid for an event, no cash or check refunds will be issued for any reason, unless Bigler Sports cancels the event in advance of the event weekend due to insufficient participation. If a team registers and subsequently is unable to participate, provided reasonable notification in writing:
    • Team can be transferred to another Bigler Sports tournament, subject to availability
    • Team can receive a full credit, valid through the following season
    • Team can transfer the credit to another team and receive compensation from the transferee team
  • If an event is canceled at any time or shortened due to inclement weather or field conditions, Bigler Sports will issue credits as follows:
    • 0 games: 100% credit toward a future Bigler Sports event either later in this season or the following season.
    • 1 game: 50% credit toward a future Bigler Sports event either later in this season or the following season.
    • 2 games started: 25% credit toward a future Bigler Sports event either later in this season or the following season.
    • 2 or more games completed: No credits due.

The Following Bigler Rules Apply, All Other Rules Follow Major League Baseball

  • In pool play, a coin flip will determine the home team – teams that forfeit pool play games, regardless of reason, do not advance to bracket play
  • The coin flip will be conducted by the umpiring crew at ground rules 
  • During the bracket play, the higher seeded team will be the home team in all games
  • Pitchers must be removed after 2nd mound visit during same inning to same pitcher – Bigler does not follow MLB total mound visit rule
  • Inclement weather could force Bigler to modify tournament game times and/or facilities on any given weekend
  • Four baseballs per game provided – each team should provide two slightly used ball at ground rules – all teams should chase foul balls or provide replacement baseballs
  • Both teams should keep score books and should report the game score to the home plate umpire between innings. Umpires will maintain  game card for all games.
  • Home team will maintain official game book and start time.  Game start time will be announced immediately after ground rules and confirmed with home team.

Coaches Have The Following Lineup Batting Options

  1. Bat the Roster and be allowed free defensive substitutions
  2. Play 9 Bat 9 or Play 9 Bat 10 with free defensive rotations with these 9/10 Players
  3. Play 9 with DH for any Defensive Player Position
  • Starters  in Options 2 and 3 may re-enter one time in their ORIGINAL batting position. Substitutes removed from a game are ineligible to return. Teams should report all substitutions to the home plate umpire and opposing score keeper.
  • If at anytime a player does not make his turn at bat due to injury, sickness and no sub is available, that turn at bat is recorded as an out. Opposing coach may waive this rule if approached prior to that at bat
  • Teams may play a game with 7 players – The 8th and 9th batters in the order would be recorded as an out with each flip of the lineup
  • Courtesy runner at anytime for pitcher and catcher. Runner must be last out if batting roster and sub if batting 9 or 10 or last batted out if batting roster. Courtesy runner can only run once per inning and only for pitcher or catcher

Game Procedures – Pool and Championship Play

  • Pool games will end in ties after allotted time has expired or full innings have been completed
  • If elimination games are tied after time expires, Bigler tie-breaker rules are played – Each team will start with the previous innings last batted on 2nd base with one out
  • The following Pool Play Tie Breakers will be used for seeding in the championship rounds
    1. Head to Head Play
      (If only two teams with same record)
    2. Total Runs Allowed
      (Used when more than 2 teams have same record)
      (There is no head to head at this point)
    3. Total Runs Scored
    4. Coin Flip – done virtually with the Bigler scoring system.
  • ½ point rule established for ties in pool play games
  • All forfeits, all ages will be recorded as 6 – 0. Any team that forfeits a pool game is not eligible for bracket play
  • Team managers are required to verify game scores and game cards of all games immediately following completion of game. Signed game cards are the official scoring for each game played. Failure to sign completed game card assumes acceptance @ 10 minutes after completion of game.

9U & Under Pitch Rules

  • Dropped 3rd strike rule does not apply
  • No infield fly rule
  • No stealing or advancing to home on past ball by catcher
  • 3rd base runner can advance to home if play is made at any base
  • 5 Runs / Inning – Unlimited in 6th inning only

Balks and Intentional Walks

  • U7-U10 Divisions: No balks will be called
  • U11 & U12 Divisions: Umpires shall issue one balk warning per TEAM before enforcing any balk penalty
  • U13 & Older Divisions: No balk warning will be issued
  • There will be no pitches thrown to intentionally walk a batter. Notify the umpire, and the batter will be awarded first base.
  • Bigler will not use a time clock to track time between pitches – this major league rule will not apply

Field Dimensions

  • U8:  Pitching distance 43’, Base distance 60’
  • U9:  Pitching distance 46’, Base distance 60’
  • U10:  Pitching distance 46’, Base distance 65’
  • U11-U12:  Pitching distance 50’, Base distance 70’
  • U13-U18:  Pitching distance 60’, Base distance 90’

Lead-offs and Steals

  • U8 & U9 Divisions: There will be no leadoffs, and stealing will be permitted only after the ball crosses the plate. There will be no dropped third strike, and a runner may only score from third base on:
    • A batted ball
    • A walk
    • A hit by pitch
    • If played upon by the pitcher or catcher. This includes the situation of runners on 1st and 3rd, and the first initial throw goes past the pitcher plate
  • U10 (A/AA or American Blue/Single A) Division: There will be no leadoffs, and stealing will be permitted only after the ball leaves the pitcher’s hand.
  • U10 (AAA/Major) and Older Division: Leadoffs are permitted.

Schedule Game Time Starts

  • All teams should be prepared to start games 30 minutes prior to scheduled start time as this allows Bigler to keep pace with the over all scheduled tournament

Mercy Game Run Rules

  • 15 After 3 Innings for 6 inning game including championship
  • 10 After 4 Innings for 6 inning game including championship
  • 8 After 5 Innings for 6 inning game including championship
  • 15 After 4 Innings for 7 inning game including championship
  • 10 After 5 Innings for 7 inning game including championship
  • 8 After 6 Innings for 7 inning game including championship

Complete Game Rain Rules, All Games Complete After

  • 1:40 time limit games with 2 hour drop-dead stop (does not apply to the championship game)
  • A new inning automatically begins after the 3rd out is recorded in the bottom half of the previous inning.
  • All games, all ages – 2 ½ innings if home team in lead
    or 1 hour in time limit played – score reverts to previous finished inning
  • In the event rain and if games are incomplete – games will be started over if moved to the next day due to rain and weather
  • The official game time starts after ground rules are completed – Umpires will confirm official game start time with home book scorekeeper

Pitch Limits and Recommendations

  • Bigler tournament directors will not be involved in counting pitches or innings pitched during tournaments.
  • The responsibility of managing pitch counts and innings rests with each team’s Head Coach.
  • Bigler endorses the Pitch Smart program, developed by USA Baseball and Major League Baseball. This program is a series of practical, age appropriate guidelines to help parents, players and coaches avoid overuse.
Pitch Smart

“Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the coach, parent and the athlete to ensure that the player follows the guidelines for his age group over the course of a year”


  • No metal cleats, gum or seeds are to be used on turf fields or turf – portable mounds – ZERO TOLERANCE – Players will be ejected for that game if caught using metal cleats and/or chewing gum or seeds on turf fields
  • Metal cleats are allowed in the 13U-18U divisions – No metal cleats on portable mounds or turf fields.

Line-Up Cards

  • Each team should prepare a written line-up, listing first and last names and numbers of all players/subs prior to each game. Line-ups must be given to the plate umpire at ground rules. Line-up cards will be provided to each team at check-in.
  • Subs not listed on Bigler game card are not eligible for that game

Slide Rules

  • Bigler Sports does not enforce a mandatory slide rule at any base. If a player does not slide to avoid contact and if it is determined by an umpire that the play is ruled malicious with the intent to hurt, the player will be ruled out and ejected for the game in progress

Bat Restrictions

  • There is no restriction on a bats weight to length ratio nor bat diameter for the ages of U8 thru U14
  • U15 thru U18, bats must follow the NFHS and USA baseball codes for bat restrictions


  • Every member of the team must wear a conventional uniform, which includes a shirt, pants, socks, and cap. Each team must have NOCSAE approved safety helmets with warning labels.
  • The batter, all base runners, on-deck batter, and player base coaches must wear approved helmets.

• Cheek and Jaw Protector (C-Flaps)
a) If the helmet has the NOCSAE stamp on it and the c-flap was installed at the time of manufacture, it is legal to wear
b) If the helmet with pre-drilled holes may attach a C-Flap if the same manufacturer makes the helmet and the c-flap. Such as, Under Armour helmet, Under Armour c-flap
c) If the helmet doesn’t have pre-drilled holes and if holes were drilled to allow for a c-flap, the helmet is illegal and will be removed from the game
d) Any helmet that has a c-flap discovered to be loose on the helmet, the helmet is illegal and will be removed from the game

  • Catchers must wear a mask with (NOCSAE) approved catchers helmet. Skull caps and masks are not acceptable. All catchers must wear an approved chest protector and shin guards. Catchers must wear approved long or short model chest protectors.
  • All male players must wear athletic supporters. Catchers (male) must wear the metal, fibre, or plastic-type cup.

Game and Roster Protest

  • Protests shall follow major league procedures on the field and stop play to file a protest
  • No protest of a judgment call or game outcome, and only an incorrect rule interpretation can be protested that impacts the natural course of the game. 
  • Umpire must sign both scorebooks and site the game situation. The manager then has 5 minutes to present his protest, citing the specific baseball or Bigler rule to justify his protest to the Tournament Director along with submission of a $300  forfeit fee – cash.  If the manager does not file his protest within the 5 Minute time frame, the protest will be considered as dropped and no action will be taken by Bigler Sports or the Bigler Sports tournament director.
  • If the protest is won, the protest fee is returned. 
  • If the protest is lost, the fee will be forfeited.
  • Game clock does not stop during protest situations
  • Online Rosters – teams are required to sanction when registering for Bigler/GMB tournament(s). Completed online rosters, with parental signed liability waivers, are required. Non rostered (online) players are considered ineligible. Any team using an ineligible player will be assessed a 6-0 forfeit for game in question when roster is protested and protest awarded. *Roster exception must be approved by the tournament director prior to the start of the tournament.
  • Online roster protests must be made in game within 45 minutes of official start time. Roster protest are not valid after completion of game.

Proof of Age

  • Bigler Sports does not collect birth certificates prior to tournaments
  • It is the Managers responsibility to have his players’ birth certificates or accepted proof of age identification in the case of any question regarding the age of his players – failure to produce birth certificates and sanctioned GMB Roster will result in a forfeit if roster is protested by opposing team

General Roster Rules

  • All teams must provide a sanctioned roster prior to game time and at tournament check in
  • Players’ qualification date is age as of May 1 of tournament year
  • Teams should keep a copy of their roster and be prepared to present during game if opposing coach questions a player. Opposing coach should file official roster protest with Bigler prior to observing roster. Game clock will not be stopped during protests of any type
  • Failure to produce a roster and player birth certificates during game, if protested, will result in immediate forfeit of game in play
  • Players can be added and dropped from teams until 1st pool game of tournament weekend
  • A player can not reside on two different rosters – players can be released and added to rosters at coaches discretion
  • A player can not play on two different teams in same tournament regardless of age

Rules of Conduct – Disruptive Behavior

  • Bigler strives to provide a great baseball and family atmosphere for its tournament participants and guests.  No unsportsmanlike conduct by participants or fans will be tolerated, and penalty for such behavior will be removal from the grounds for the remainder of the tournament.
  • Coaches are responsible for themselves, their players, and families at all times.  Any suspension/ejection  imposed by umpires or Bigler officials will be served during the game in progress and the next tournament game and/or  tournament weekend. Applies for coaches and parents. Players are eligible for next game. Ejected coaches or parents will need to be outside the park.
  • Ejected coaches and players should leave playing field and report to tournament check in. At the time the Tournament Site Director will escort player or coach outside the park and playing area. Game clock continues during ejections and all time associated with the ejection. Failure to leave the field and park in a timely manner could result in a game forfeit. Forfeit would result in a 6 – 0 loss.
  • Game umpires do not have the authority to call a game forfeit.
  • Max 3 coaches and score keeper allowed in dugout – Head Coach, Two Assistants and Score Keeper
  • Defensive coaches are not allowed on playing field during your respective teams defensive 1/2 inning – Defensive coaches should remain in dugout

Bigler Park Rules

  • Please remove all items, including trash, from your dugout promptly at the completion of your game.  Tournament schedules are always tight, so we ask that you clear the dugout first before talking with your team after the game.
  • Food and beverages cannot be brought into any ballparks.  Water coolers may be brought for your team’s consumption during your game, but we ask that all other items be left at home. Coolers must be placed in team dugout.
  • Failure to comply with park Food and Beverage rules may lead to games being forfeited.
  • No pets of any kind are allowed in any ballpark leased by Bigler regardless of park rules.  Please help us insure the safety of our participants and the cleanliness of our facility by leaving your pets at home.
  • All teams are required to provide their own medical kit and ice packs
  • No Metal Spikes – No Seeds – No Gum @ Turf Facilities – Players and Coaches can be ejected for using these items

Bigler Photo Policy

  • Bigler may use film, voice or photographic records of Bigler Tournament participation in the activities for its promotional and/or commercial purposes. This includes (but is not limited to) social media, and other means of marketing via photography, video, live stream, etc.