2025 Winter Baseball Umpire Training Course – Cedarburg

5 Saturday morning classes designed to introduce, train and equip new umpires with the skills needed to umpire youth baseball.  
1275 Hilltop Drive, Cedarburg
Saturdays - 9:00am-12:00pm
• January 11
• February 1
• February 22
• March 15
• April 5
Topics covered in course
• Rules
• Mechanics (field and plate)
• Game Management 
• Intro to Umpire
• Instruction on how, where and why to get games
• Register with WSYBL Arbiter 

Equipment provided (Optional Add-On)

• Uniform  (shirt / pants and hat)
• Equipment   (mask/chest protector and shin guards)
• Misc.  (ball bag / plate brush and indicator)

*Not provided, but needed to umpire - black belt and black  field and plate shoes (plate shoes recommended)




Only complete this section if you chose 'Equipment & Uniform' Add-On

Only complete this section if you chose the 'Equipment & Uniform' Add-On

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