So, getting back to our topic from last week, where does a never say die, never quit until the last out is made attitude come from in the world of sports? While I do believe that some of us are just born with a bit more of this in us, I believe MOST of this comes from the confidence and self esteem kids receive from us as parents at an early age and then once they start to play organized ball it comes from their coaches. To say that the job and the role of both the parents and coaches, especially in this area, are extremely difficult and of the utmost importance is an absolute understatement. I was a head baseball coach for 14 years and am now a parent of three young children under the age of ten and if anyone were to ever tell me that either job were easy I would say they either can’t speak from experience or they never really applied themselves. After all, anyone can be a parent and anyone can become or volunteer to be a coach. But, what makes a parent or a coach a really good one? Another really good question I’ll attempt to shed some light on in the days ahead.
November 17, 2015 By